Friday, January 23, 2009

No Work done :( ---->But look at it .... LOVELY!!!

Well Like the post heading suggest there is no work currently being done. I was busy making the lifting tongs to handle a white hot crucible filled with molten metal... A very elaborate piece of equipment if I must say so myself. I hope it works! Will update you in a later post.
But for now nothing is getting done.

<---- NICE!!!! Damn I love the rain.

Namibia is a very Arid and dry place. So when the rain do come it's a sort of religious experience for me. Time to sit indoors and reflect.

.... and after much "reflecting" ... I've come to the conclusion ....... I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!! You can stick your 1st world amenities right up your bums!!

Africa is where my heart is.

Johann out!

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