Monday, January 19, 2009

Ok I made contact with the clay supplier

Right I've told you that I'm struggling with the clay just cracking apart, and not really setting the way I expected it to.... look at it

Well I finally got the contact details for vereeniging refractories, the suppliers of this clay. What a surprise, a big company that actually makes time for the little guy, and damn they were quick!! I'd recommend you use their products if you can. they gave me really friendly support... Too bad I didn't get any good news.

It seems that the salesman in his fervor to make a few bucks commission neglected to tell me that this specific clay is not supposed to work as a castable refractory it is meant as a normal construction mortar when building a fireplace. sucks doesn't it!!

Ahh well at least I learned a thing or two...

Oh and don't think I'm planning on scrapping this project... ohhh hell no!! I'll continue with that busted up furnace as it is... will wait and see what happens...

Stay tuned..

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