Monday, January 12, 2009

The Start01 (10/01/2009)

Well first thing a furnace seems to need is a container to keep the refractory in place, I got this really nice hot water boiler tank, which is perfect for this application. As you can see it needed a bit of cleaning up. It seems they pour in some kind of expandable foam to insulate it during construction.

So after a bit of cleaning up, using a normal file, the foam stuff really wasn't as stuck on as I initially feared, only took about 10 minutes to clean the outside.

Okay still here?? well next up I marked the centre of the tank all the way around, I chose the center because that would allow me to make another furnace later on, one that fixes all the mistakes made on this one.... Well that and the fact that even half this tank would make one helluva BIG furnace for my needs.

<--- See the white line in the centre ?? That is what you do If you make your own.

Next thing to do is to cut on the line you marked previously.... See this is not so difficult. But PLEASE!!! pretty please be careful when handling power tools such as a grinder. Wear Safety goggles!!!

Right repeat the white line step to get a sizable chuck off the open end. This will become the lid of the furnace.

Again... Be careful!!!

I also Cut off that odd piece of pipe sticking out the bottom... didn't need it so it was removed.

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